welllll i was a thief today. I snuck peeks of Obama. that's right - Barack Obama.
at my work today there was a big conference of governors + Obama. After the conference (which i watched online at my desk through a live feed off of Obama's website - ah, technology) Obama climbed a back staircase to the third floor, center conference room for lunch, among other things. Lots of secret service around, but they were sweet.
The center conference room on the 3rd floor is about 20 or so ft. from my desk. Between me and the room are a few walls, a pair of wooden doors, and a pair of glass doors. The glass doors, which grant access to the inner sanctum of administration-hood, were locked, signs on them declared "DO NOT ENTER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES" it was through these doors, that i saw the back of Obama's head, his profile, and then eventually him getting up and leaving, facing me.
while this does not seem impressive, i was excited and fan-girly (think: giggles mc. giggly) throughout the morning. I was like paparazzi...sure, it was the back of his head, but IT WAS OBAMA'S HEAD. word. I was a little embarrassed to gawk at first, but then my boss told me not to be embarrassed and gawk away. so i did.
so...yea. that was exciting.
in other news, i met the photo head for the museum. and i got invited to come and chill and discuss digital vs. film whenever i want. my job keeps getting better and better.
awesome. if i wasn't so bitter about electoral politics, i'd be fangirling away with you.
but, you know, i've got wayyy too much dignity and SERIOUS POLITICAL BITTERNESS to do that.
Sorry, that was me. I didn't realize Nora was signed in (she's visiting for a few days).
So, did you do the paparazzi thing and take a picture of the back of his head???
no - we weren't allowed to take photos
Can you get a shoot with the museum photographer????
have you stopped giggling yet? :-)
If I can reach Davey before he leaves tomorrow, I'll send a copy for you along with him. If not, you'll get it when I come out in a month!
ps. it's beautiful.
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