Ah...the art of doing what pleases someone else, sometimes more than it pleases yourself. this can be hard to do...
you still have to keep some of yourself in your work because that's what attracted the client in the first place, but you also have to inject something of your client in it so they too will connect deeply and strongly with the image you create.
note (in general): this applies to art in general, not just photography.
At work, sometimes I get really really bored. I'll be doing the same thing for hours and hours, important work, but very tedious and time consuming. like verifying names, sites, addresses, and phone numbers for a HUGE list of other history museums in the area. I know it's important, but at the same time I want to be doing more than sitting at my computer. The internship is working well for the museum (i hope/assume), but a little boring for me. So I decided to try and get to do other things to make the internship work for me too. Today I found out that someone at the Joffrey Ballet wants the museum to do an exhibit on them, and tomorrow head people are gonna hunt through their storage for potential finds (I gather - not 100% on this though).
so I thought that this sounded like a really cool opportunity. Thinking this I emailed my boss asking whether he was going, and if he was if i could go with him. he emailed me back saying he wasn't going, but that i was free to go. I think, starting tomorrow, my internship is going to be working more for me, too.
notes on dane's commission: today's photograph is my favorite from the shoot i did for my sister's book of poems that she'll be passing out at slams (or so i believe from what she's told me they're used for...)
Also today I had lunch with E.B. Smith - one of the heads of the foundation. It was a really nice lunch (fruit/chicken/pasta/spinich salad with honey-ish dressing...YUM) and we talked about everything from how to get rid of deer in the garden to what i'm thinking about for my internship next summer (Harley Davidson? Add Agency?) it was a really good lunch.
after work and the usual tuesday kemper meeting, my roommate and I did a lil' clothes shopping - the first i've done here. I got two really cute shirts on sale (50% off!!!) and also my first girl wallet, retiring the one i bought when i was like...10. word.
Gracious. Thank you for advising me to check out the photograph. It is genuinely astonishing. I showed my mom; she was amazed too. :)
I'm sure you're familiar with the linguistic distinction that is sometimes made between "nude" versus "naked." "Nude" is artful and empowering, whereas "naked" is exposed and weak.
I've always longed for nakedness in my life. Nudity holds onto something, and I've just wanted to be fully transparent. Wishing to have no walls whatsoever between me and the world. Does that make sense?
I love that picture. did you get the copy of the chapbook with the updated cover page?
That's a really great picture.
I understand now what it must be like trying to put in your own feeling into a comissioned work. I compare it to an expirience acting otu a scene directed by the writer. The person wants the monologue done they way they imagined it, but I was chosen to perform it for a reason, you know?
I wrote it.
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