In my course reader for Documentary Photography this past semester, i came across a quote that i really identified with. It was about how an artist might be able to draw a hand perfectly from 12 different perspectives, but with a camera there are infinite ways to view something. You can take a shot of a hand, and have it be an anatomically correct hand, from any perspective you can think of.
Today we went to the botanic gardens - an entirely created 300+ acres of garden. and while i love pretty macro (extreme close ups...remember?) shots of flowers, they can get really boring to take. I mean, how many pretty flower pictures can a person have? (don't answer that :-p)
so i challenged myself...If i took macros of flowers, i would try and have to make them differently than i normally would. and i tried - it was hard, but i think i took some things differently. i played with my aperture (remember that?) to try and get even shorter depth of field than a normal macro shot.
Earlier today, on the train ride to the gardens, I feel into a discussion about judging past time's opinions with current standards. I have a very clear opinion on this, in that i believe that it is impossible to judge someone from the sixteenth century correctly by 21st. century standards. My opinion is that you can only judge someone from the perspective of what was appropriate in their times. however, my roommate (one of the folks i was conversing with) said something interesting, "while we can't judge their actions outside of their time, we can still say that it wasn't a good idea."
her argument makes sense to me.
in any case, i feel like living in a city for the first time is making me view things in ways that i never normally would have. I never thought i was so capable. or that i could cook for myself and actually really begin to enjoy it. I wonder how Aix will change things.
one of the scholars going to france offered to help me with my visa application. thank god.
ps: this is the first update in a while because of wonky internets. sorry!!
Culture and time help define what is appropriate. Being exposed to many different cultures can help understand where people are coming from and make for rich experiences.
Your on that road... I'm glad to hear your enjoying it! :-)
Ugh, passports. I really like this macro shot - it's interesting, textured. Did Davey show you the finished book?
ps. I think you are incredibly capable.
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