A lot of people will tell you, that when one person in a group likes photography and designates themselves "party paparazzi," that they're often missing from the group, even though they're still there. It's as if they become part of the background noise, not really present in the situation, but instead the documenters. Overcoming the desire to photograph groups of friends 100% of the time can be a challenging thing to overcome for a photographer...you just see shot after shot after shot.
well, today i did some of that, but i got a good balance there. I was present, but i also took a decent amount of frames...around 127 frames I think. We all went to the beach to hang out, then out to this 50's style diner with really funky wait staff called "Ed Debevicks." It was a good time - lots of fun had by all.
today also started out with an architecture tour, but this was of modernist architecture. I hate modernists, so this wasn't quite as interesting, but some of the stuff we saw, even i will admit, was very attractive. overall i just don't get minimalism...sometimes i do, but the concept is just weird overall in my opinion. i didn't even bring my camera (but that was due more to the threat of rain)
afterwards, some lunch, and then to the beach, to which i brought my camera despite the rain threat. it didn't get wet, or too sandy (maybe a few grains) so that was ideal. the beach was very nice indeed. there wasn't much swimming had, but there was some burying of fellow scholars. lots of photos taken. I wore my new swimsuit (which is so uber cute)
my boss thinks i'm doing well at work, just got some new projects, having dinner with hillary and her dad next week when they're college touring, annnnd yea. stuff is going well :-)
also doing a photo commission for my sis...took some preliminary pics of that, some of which you can see on my deviantart website.
this picture of me was taken by my friend, timila :-)
I like the picture in the uber cute bathing suit, I must admit that I recognized you immediately in spite of the covered face, but the finger on the release button was just unmistakable!
What exactly is minimalist style?
Happy to hear that you are having a good time. Continue!
Sometimes, I want to shake you for withdrawing and just taking/talking photos, photos, photos.
Then I see what you come up with. And I want to shake your hand instead. Metaphorically.
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