(^old photo)
In my own work, I review shoots I did from fall semester 2007. I can hardly even begin to appreciate my work as art (now) until about halfway through spring semester 2008. And now, I only see myself getting better and learning and growing with my tools. It's pretty cool. for me, at least.

(^new photo)
at the same time, as i reflect (once again) on my chicago experience, i notice that I've grown quite substantially from the end of spring semester. This, is also cool. At least I think so. I've grown more comfortable with myself. I prefer walking to places close by as opposed to driving. things have gotten easier to deal with in terms of money management. my parents seem more content to allow me to plan my life and work with me instead of trying to monitor me.
also, i seem to have developed some kind of the somewhat feirce loyalty to chicago that chicagoans have. not quite as strong, but i do notice myself saying "our" or "we" when referring to Chicago. while maybe this isn't cool, i find it pretty funny.
anyway, so if you havn't gathered by now I'm home. the drive back was great fun (only a few bursts of rain and traffic) and i've been seeing folks and getting my life back in order, only to soon be uprooted. scary.
I forgot to mention this: if you aren't planning to already, bring a stuffed animal to France. It doesn't have to be huge. Lars would work.
On the subject of reviewing one's past work: the first poem I ever published in a magazine is no longer mine. The magazine bought the rights to it, and thus paid me a lot more than any other publication has since or probably will for awhile. The good part is that I now kind of hate that poem, am a little embarrassed that I wrote it, and am very glad it's not really mine anymore.
YAY! You're home! can't wait to see you for Ren Fair. I love the pictures you've been putting up recently here and on facebook. You told me last time we spoke how much people sort of see portraits as a very boring part of photography, and your work has really shown me a lot of the beauty in it. It also doesn't stray far from photography in the theater, which I love.
Congrats on getting the visa! Europe is going to be a great expirience.
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