In the photographic community, the argument over film camera work vs. digital camera work is a big and very defensive one. Filmers, those who seriously and almost exclusively support film (i made up that term), will turn their noses up at anything digital, claiming that the artwork is lost in it. Digital folks, those who enjoy shooting digitally, express the convenience of digital, the cheaper processing, the ever-expanding options...then there are those, like me, which think that digital and film photography are two completely different mediums entirely.
in Provence, I'm expected to have limited to no contact with the internet except for exclusive school work. I'm supposed to abandon the phone in favor of old-fashioned letters, and have very little contact with family and friends back home. this is what the program says.
because the program is supposed to be language immersion, i understand this way of thinking. however, i also don't understand this way of thinking. right now, i feel like even though an abroad program is supposed to give you a different perspective, allow you to completely immerse yourself in a different culture...but how is one supposed to do that unless they also remain in touch with where there from so one can compare and reflect. Like film and digital photography...one can appreciate the ever growing options in digital, but only because film existed first. and because now they're both so different, it's possible to truly appreciate both.
moral of this story: i'm going to keep as close in contact as i can. so as to better appreciate the differences in my experiences.
Or, you know, you could just keep in touch because you'd miss us a whole lot otherwise. I too, get your program's deal, but seriously? If I hadn't been allowed to contact home when I was in Prague, I would've gone batshit insane. You would've received eighteen-page letters in tiny handwriting detailing all my woes and schmoes. I would've also probably spent lots of time being drunk. Jesusmaria.
Well, if anything, your French will kick all of our French's butts when you get back.
Hey, sister-who-did-not-call-back, hope you had a good trip. I love you!
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