Photographic location is extremely important - where you place your subject can either make your photo, break your photo, or create interesting effects within it.
The road trip out here was pretty good. We covered about 800 something miles total, getting it pretty early. unpacking was pretty good too.
I think something else interesting about location is fitting into it. I've never lived in a city before, so i guess we'll see what happens.
more later...tired for now.
So my roommate isn't coming until friday, and I'm living in this huge huge room (that i think is meant to be a triple) all by my lonesome. We've got a nice kitchen, stove top (no oven), microwave, full size fridge/freezer, my lil' george foreman grill, hotpot, sink, and cabinets. Apparently the room is supposed to be a triple, so we've also got a loft with a bed in it, and a huge extra cabinet for clothes and the like. MUCH different than my college experience i've got to say. Unfortunately, when I got here, i noticed they hadn't done a really good job cleaning, and had to go over everything with the antibacterial wipes i had bought at the beginning of the roadtrip. today, after a trip to the local target (french pronunciation please ;-) ) i now have more cleaning supplies to get down and dirty with.
living in the city is good so far...i like being able to walk out of the house and just into the middle of everything...all the hustle and bustle. Also, I really like cooking for myself. even if all i've made so far is some garlic lemon chicken and a bowl of raisin bran, i'm still very excited about the possibilities of NOT being on a meal plan.
on a bonus note, there's a WaMu bank very close. no extra charges for cash!
also so far the budgeting that i worked out with mom and dad is going great - i've actually been underbudget so far, which is nice. :-)
it's supposed to storm later...hopefully that means i'll get to meet more of the other scholars. so far the dorm is really quiet...i think everyone is shy and kinda unsure of who the other scholars are. It's nice that I know ben so well, so we've been spending time together, and my next door neighbors on one side are two REALLY sweet girls that I met at the confrence, so we spent time together last night. Most of the scholars live on my floor, and those that don't are on the floor beneath, so we're all really close...just shy i think :-)
all is well, let me know what's up with you guys!
Sorry I didn't call back - I did miserably in the slam, but I did the piece I wanted to do, so that was good. Glad to hear you got in okay.
Hi Liora,
liked your first travelogue and the picture with it. Very appropriate, but where did you find those cliffs to locate your subject into? If I remember correctly, the shoreline in C. is pretty flat?
Love, GP+GM
hey GM+GP :-)
that photo was taken a few years ago in the grand canyon...explains the cliffs :-)
Fabulous images - amazing thoughts. I'm loving this little window into your spectacular mind! Are you ready now to have a link in PAA?
hey elise!
Not quite yet...I would prefer to have my photo website up on PAA, and it's not really made yet. Right now all i could give you is my deviantart account, which doesn't look very professional. we'll see.
again, i'm really sorry to hear the news. wish i could be there!
Sounds like fun. I actually think the idea of living somewhere alone in the future is kind of frightening. I guess it gets easier as you grow up. Independence is kind of scary, but it's good in the long run.
btw, it's Carly.
I can't believe it's been almost two years since I was last at the Grand Canyon. That photo brings back memories.
You have an extra bed? Awesome!
Hey - So good to hear you had a good trip and got in safe and sound. It's fun to read your blog and see a bit of what's important to you. We miss you already!
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