The Aperture ring in a lens determines how much light is exposed to the film (or CCD card, which is what acts as film in a digital camera), and also determines the depth of field. The less light let into the camera, the larger the depth of field.
I feel really stressed...lots of things have been happening, lots of papers have been handed out, lots of money exchanged, lots of change (as earlier predicted...boy am i good). And tomorrow, I begin my internship. I feel very much like my F stop is at 2.8 (for those non camera techies, this means that my aperture is WAY open...lots of light, no depth of field). I'm being blasted with information to the point where I feel as though I'm bleaching out...however, all of the information seems very superficial. There's no depth...I walk around the city, see everything, and everyone is telling me how good it's going to get very soon. Very soon seems very fuzzy though. I can't see past the immediate present for the moment. It's quite dazzling...much like the picture above. All the lights and and attention grabbing things can get quite dizzying.
Due to a very long meeting today I didn't get a chance to go down and try to get to the museum (where i'm working) ahead of time, so as a result, i'm leaving way too early tomorrow morning.
on a brighter note, I discovered that not only do two other scholars speak french, but they will also be in france next semester!
I'm sure I'll be fine, but it's still a little nerve wracking...i'm working on focusing at a better depth of field. Tomorrow i'm sure will help.
You taught me that camera stuff once!
It's all good because the pics on fb are really nice looking. After you're over the stressful bit it's going to be a lot of fun I'm sure. :D
You are a walking, living metaphor. I'm half-inspired to do the same thing with poetry and the technical terms thereof over at I'm A Stranger Here Myself. But I don't think it would be as good as what you've done here. I check every day to see what you've come up with next. Something about tripods and stability?
lol dane - but then you'd be a copycat. :-p
i'm not sure whether i'll be able to keep it up through france...the terms will get gradually more abstract as i begin to run out of them. I'm not sure how long it'll take before i do though. until then, i plan to keep it up. thanks for your support though :-)
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