Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Time Lapse Photography

Showing the passage of time in a photograph can create really interesting effects. It creates a story as opposed to a moment in time. It's almost like a still movie...there's a plot, but it's happening all at once. There's a distinct blur that accompanies this type of photograph, so while there's a plot happening, the viewer has to use their imagination to interpret the blur. It's a lot of fun! This weekend, fourth of july weekend, felt like such a blur to me. Not in the whirlwind sense, but in the loose track of time sense. Time lapsed on me! hehehe...yea.

so before I went out to the lake, I was in a photoshoot with my boss. Me and my boss/coworker Kerri did a bunch of really weird and funky makeup looks and posed around millenium park. sooo much fun. awesome and weird results. no, i don't have any of the photos.

So Thursday after work I went to O'Hare and flew out to Wisconsin to spend the weekend with Sylvia, Tom, Bruce, Jason, Nora, Arlo, and Nora's Israeli counselor Nuphar. It was so much fun - almost like being back at Labelle...but the second day I had no idea what day it was. I read a book (The Red Tent - not my fav, but I see why people like it), took a million photos, didn't check my email (for a whole DAY!), hung out with the kids, had nice talks with everyone, tried to juggle, ate amazing amazing food, made kale chips, and it was so nice. just really wonderful. I'm finally understanding why everyone in my family loves lake houses!

So while there was definately an order of events that happened this weekend, I'll be damned if I know what they were. it was just...wonderful.

in upcomming news, ANDREW COMES THIS SATURDAY!!! Also, I'm doing another shoot with my boss on friday.

I miss you all so much, and I wish I could be back in New Jersey right now. Love to all.

(apologies: there are no time-lapsed photos in this blog post. I preferred the adorable children photos, but the analogy of time lapse. sorry. :-p )


Anonymous said...

Glad you had such an amazing weekend, and that you're finally discovering the joy of lake houses. I hope you can enjoy good times in the Para-bin as well some day! What do you think of that as a nickname??
Love ya,

Dane said...

You read Red Tent?! Wow, props to you. That's about the last book I'd ever recommend to you. :-p

I loved the Wisconsin pics (here and elsewhere). If I didn't live five minutes from a lake, I'd be jealous!

Also, kale chips! My housemate would love you right about now. She made kale chips the other day, and I was just...not that into it. I like my kale free of carcinogens, thanks.

Also, I request - nay *demand* - to see funky makeup shots of you.