Photos are big. really really big. usually. the ones i take are generally on the larger side. the larger they are, the more detail they tend to include. unfortunately, each one therefore takes up a lot of memory (if they happen to be digital).
so I'm back in chicago. I arrived to find the appartment kind of messy, the futon broken (though i think it may still be usable as a bed?) and the internet not functioning (though recent communications say that it WILL START TOMORROW!). while all this made me panic-y and upset yesterday, today i'm feeling better about it. the building is GREAT, very nice with a super gym on the 3rd floor. i can see the HUMOUNGOUS AND AWESOME supermarket from my window, and we live downwind from a chocolate plant (which, i recently discovered, DOES SELL CHOCOLATE).
the flight over was very easy, regardless of travelocity's attempt to make everything go wrong, and i got the the appartment quickly and easily. I sat between step-siblings in the exit row. great for my legs, but one of the siblings was wearing a caluculator watch, was in his 40's, and hadn't flown in something like 30 some-odd years (except for the flight he took to the east coast a few days previous) and kept fidgiting trying to look out the window. at the beginning of the flight i offered both of them gum, which i then placed in the pocket in the seat in front of me, only to have him halfway through the flight lunge forward and grope around for it before turning to ask "oh, was that gum yours?"
now that i'm back in chicago, all i can think about it last years experience. the bus stop i stood at, the museum, my old building (which i have to admit, at least at this point, i liked living in more. while this place i'm staying in now is more decorated and furnished, i definately like the location of the old building more.)
this also makes me think about the home in NJ. I probably slept in it, ate in it, and showered in it for the last time. this is weird. I wonder how i'll feel at the end of the summer, when i'll still probably be in the area a fair bit, but not living there. will i even find a reason to ever go by my house? what will i do with my keys? It was a big part of my life. the memories there take up a huge part of my life. the memories in chicago are also pretty large. france too. where am i gonna store this all? can i buy a harddrive for my brain? should i invent the Harry Potter "pensive" bowl to "collect my thoughts"?
enough's enough. catch ya on the flip side
Sorry to hear all's not that well with your apartment, but hopefully once the internet is working and Emily arrives you'll find a way to sort it all out.
I don't know what to say about the memories. I can tell you that I've never forgotten my childhood homes - though I moved about quite a bit more than you have before I turned 21! My memories are of course colored by the ages I was at each home, but I believe that our home in Haworth will always hold a special place in your heart.
For Memories there is space for them as wide as the sky itself. As long as you want them, they will come back for your pleasure or your angst, the trick is to make the most of the best memories, and learn from the ones that are not so great. Know when to move on so that new experience takes advantage of past.
Some many good things.... so much more to come
Missing home... well that is just hard... for me too.
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