When taking pictures, digital or film, one has to think about ISO (aka: ASA or Film Speed). The ISO refers to how sensitive the film (or pretend film) is to light. And since photography is all about capturing light, logic says that the more sensitive your film is (aka: the higher your ISO), the more light is captured in your photographs.
for shooting in bright sunny outdoor light, one would use an ISO of about 100-200, not very sensitive. there's already a lot of light!
however, if you want to shoot, for example, a skyline at night, or a portrait with not a lot of light, one might use an ISO of anywhere from 500-3200. depending on quality of the camera and amount of light.
if you decide to shoot at ISO 700 on a bright summer day,typically, you're not going to get anything at all because your film is too sensitive. it just will bleach out. unless you're magical.
some days in aix i feel like my ISO is just changing all over the place. In some classes i'm well exposed some might say, balanced, well composed. In others, I'm just not there at all. Due to constant criticism with the notes "there are still a lot of errors" on all of my papers (regardless of how much i've improved the paper and how little errors actually remain, the critique is constant) in Expression Oral et Ecrit, I have simply ceased to care. I'm gonna study hard for the final, but why even bother trying to edit a photograph that simply isn't well exposed to begin with? that's what i feel like sometimes. Whereas, another situation, art class. I'm not the best, but the critique isn't "your eyes are always too big." it's, maybe try this way. how about another go?
While I'm ready to come home in a BIG way, i'm also really nervous. I'm heading back into an environment that i know is realllly stressfull (and with good reason...if you're gonna stress, this is stuff to stress about) after coming out of a situation that's really stressful, and then heading back to school in the US (which can be also seen as stressful). I'm not sure that i'm equiped to make all of these changes and keep my sanity. One of the girls here tells me that i may just need to take some "me" time. While that may be true, i'm not sure what it'll do. I'm not sure what's going on at home...all i know is that things are crazy. very very crazy. again, with good reason. what is going to be expected of me? pack up everything i know...but also be a responsible family member, girlfriend, friend, earn money (since i'll definately need it to buy books next semester), and take me time to still be sane. I don't really know what's going on any more. this is crazy. constantly switching back and forth from one situation to another. Not like i'm the only one, but still.
see you all in 14 days.
hey - things aren't SO crazy at home. you can take time to see your friends. we've packed up the stray things in your room so that you can just go through boxes and choose what to keep or get rid of - something you do very well. Then the same for clothes and books. I'm sure you'll also take time to sleep. Yes, things are more hectic than usual, and we're not likely to throw a ski trip into the mix, but don't stress over it till you get here, OK?
Stress can be ok too... look at the girl in the picture. She is in a stressful position - but she has learned that it like all things will change and she is smiling, maybe because it will be over soon, or because - some stress has a beautiful result....
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