...I really want a crepe.
but besides that.
so yom kippur sucked, and i'm not going to go into more detail then: a) was obviously starving and b) was alone.
I did a shoot yesterday of a girl in my group, hayley. She's also a photographer (but does more landscapes) and she's got this great hair. So together we headed out to the park. overall it went well, but i'm taking the same kinds of shots. it makes me sad cause i really want to start looking at things differently, getting a new angle, something more exciting than a pretty portrait. I like pretty portraits, but I've gotta start doing something different. so i tried some new, less realistic editing techniques, and i'm really liking them. I'm gonna start doing that more.

tomorrow is my first day of photo class. Kinda nervous, but i think i can handle it. i think if i keep thinking about it that way, i'll do better. i hope.
i also think i'm gaining weight...my host mother wanted to go on a diet, but to her the diet was eating whatever the diet food was...plus dinner. cause if you didn't eat that, you'd be hungry! so...i'm not so sure she gets that. i try and walk everywhere and get my exercise, but she cooks with a lot of cream. and breakfast is bread and butter with jam. starting to need to eat some special k or something. maybe i'll buy some. maybe today i'll treat myself to a crepe like a "good luck with the start of your trying to loose healthy weight!" and then tomorrow really start. yea, i think i'll do that.
something that's really frustrating me about this program is that all the students are supposed to be out friday and saturday nights. but money for buying healthy food is a problem, and what ends up being eaten is fatty, cheaper food. it would be less expensive and healthier for me to buy something and cook it at home, but we're supposed to give our host families a break from us, and i don't have a kitchen somewhere else, and if i did cook at home i'd have to make enough for marie-claire also, thereby not giving her a break...etc.etc. it's really frustrating. can't i just make myself a salad with some chicken in it instead of a cream soup, meat, bread, fruit, salad...the list goes on. it's delicious, but i'm gaining weight. and i really don't want to cause i worked hard to loose the few pounds i did.
i hate delicious food. sometimes i wish marie-claire was a terrible cook so i wouldn't eat as much of it. also, she doesn't eat a lot but makes more for me so i feel obliged to finish it cause she looks at me funny when i don't. or at least i think she looks at me funny. hard to read expressions sometimes.
her granddaughter comes to live with us today. maybe she can help me finish the food.
...i ate raw meat. like hamburger meat. apparently an Armenian delicacy. never again.
have a crepe to loose weight
I was rolling.... great story.
TALK to her, say, please don't cook so much for me, I don't want to look like an "ugly American" :-)
TALK TO HER.... (you are an adult too...)
Best of luck with class, I hope they are as excited as you are...!!!! :-)
Keep us posted.
P.S. Steak Tartar
PPS Steak Tartare!
Sounds like a rough break having so much delicious food around! I'm having the same problem with having Dane home... ah what a problem! But YLD is right, talk to her and tell her you're not used to eating so much. Maybe she enjoys the leftovers at lunch but hasn't had any cause you're eating it all? From what I remember, the French say "Merci" when they mean "Non, Merci", as in no more thanks. Hopefully grandaughter/niece will help you with this. Also give you one other person to talk to, maybe go out with?
Can't wait to see you,
Hey Liora,
I love your online journal and the pictures are great! I miss you and Chicago...Cooperstown is so not the same. I totally get that you don't want to talk to your host mom about food. I mean that's her lifestyle but you could make some subtle hints (I know so easier said than done). I can't wait to hear more about photography class. Drop me a line, but I know online access is tough.
Much Love,
Sometimes, I work with poets who've encountered something similar to your latest photographic/artistic conundrum. They've mastered a lot of the basics of writing and performing in a short amount of time, and they can write decent poems that get pretty good scores in a slam.
Sometimes, that's all they're looking for - the pretty portrait, the good-but-not-great slam pieces, just enough to get positive attention.
For some poets, it's not enough, and that's when it starts to get really hard. It means breaking away from the pack and having a lot of guts to take your work to more (personally) dangerous and risky places. Some poets call it "digging" - getting into a really vulnerable place as they write. Often, the work comes out less polished and more honest - but polishing can always happen later. The quality of the raw material is the important part.
Anyway, it sounds to me like you're looking to go digging. I noticed that when you did our photo shoot (which I still maintain was beautiful, fantastic, and collectively the most flattering pictures EVER taken of me), your language was very technical. It was all about angles and roundness and tilt-this-way and look-that-way. I'm not saying this was a bad thing - the pictures were exactly what I wanted - but I wonder if that's how you work with all your models, even the ones with more experience than me.
I don't know how to tell a photographer to go digging, but it might be something interesting to try. Annie Lebowitz's portraits often seem really risky, vulnerable, interesting and edgy to me. Maybe she's written something useful?
Actually, it's "Leibovitz" and I am a moron.
Hey there!
Glad to hear that your photography class is going well. One of my favorite prof's at college told me that one can never truely understand something unless one is able to teach it. Besides, it's always fun to share your passions with others.
Looking foward to seeing more photos!
~ tamgelb
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