Monday, September 29, 2008


...that just about says it. hope everyone back in the states has a good first evening. i miss you all.

as it turns out, my community service has been postponed this week and i'll be able to go to temple tonight. woohoo! hope i can find my way there...better leave now, just in case.

book recommendation: People of the Book


Dane said...

Shana Tovah to you too, sweet schwis. Glad you can go hang out with teh jooz when you need 'em.

miss you n stuff. singing harmony in shul by myself totally doesn't cut it.

Anonymous said...

Shana Tova to you too! We miss you so much! Glad you could go tonight and I hope you liked the congregation. Are you going tomorrow too?
Hopefully we can talk tomorrow sometime in our afternoon/your evening...
Love, love, love,

Anonymous said...

Shanah Tovah again from us as well, we missed you at Bnei Jisrael today and atthe long lunch in Haworth!
Love you very much,