I've been thinking a lot about the interactive process I use in my photography. I like to take portraits, so a lot of my photography involves me, 1 or more models, and occasionally another photographer. While I love working with all these folks (wouldn't do it if i didn't love it) I miss the alone time of other studio art forms...like darkroom time, or the time where a painter is painting, meditating into brush strokes, or when a drawer (?) is shading a discrete portion of an apple, just totally oblivious and really into he or she is doing. Where I can just be alone and get really involved in what i'm doing, loose track of time, really get into poses and ideas that I might not feel comfortable asking my models to do. Because I'm missing this kind of alone time, I've decided to try out self portraiture. So far so good - it's very theraputic for me. put on some music, and go crazy. I posted the photos to facebook and my sister went crazy for one of them and told me to post them, so...here you go. more to come - i'm not really 100% happy with the angles and stuff, but i'm learning and liking it. :-)

ballistic, more like it. my suitemates think you're incredibly talented.
Hi Liora - I'm totally loving your photographs - both of other people and of you. Are you posting them to deviant art?
We're in the Adirondacks and the weather is perfect. Stopped by at the LB to fix some stuff and check out internet. The Mousehouse is mouse-free for now - no morning gymnastics! Yeah!
Keep on shooting! What did/are you shooting for the museum? I think you have a great eye for shooting people and am consistently wow-ed by your work! Your love for doing this shines through each photo!
aside from the contortions, which alone make me shudder at the thought of trying it, how do you do this physically? Do you have a timer run multiple exposures while you are contorting? The pictures are really great!!!
yes, i have a timer on my camera. :-) I set it up on my tripod, adjust the exposure technicalities, and then press the shutter. the timer starts, i set up, and 10 seconds later the exposure is taken :-)
They look incredible.
I'm going to skip all of the mumbo-jumbo tech stuff I don't know zilch about and just say you look beautiful in the photographs. :-)
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